Build a website in PHP. This first project was to show you the basics of building a website using PHP now we are modifying it to support external data so that the content and the function are totally seperate.

<? // contents of index.php
require DIR . ‘/dplwebsite.php’; // include our class definition
// beginning of php code
// set up data in array
$pages = array();
// create data array for home page
$page = array();
$page[‘heading’]=’Home page’;
$page[‘content’]=”Welcome to my new website.”;
$pages[]=$page; // add home page to array

// create data array for about page
$page = array();
$page[‘heading’]=”About Me”;
$page[‘content’]=”I’ve been working with websites for over twenty years.”;
$pages[]=$page; // add home page to array

// create data array for contact page
$page = array();
$page[‘heading’]=’Contact Me’;
$page[‘content’]=’Contact me using this link:‘;
$pages[]=$page; // add home page to array

$website = new DplWebsite($pages);

<? // contents of dplwebsite.php
 * The Website creator
 * @since    1.0.0 May 10, 2024
 * @modified 1.0.1 June 7, 2024 Added external data for website content
 * @package  Dplwebsite
Class DplWebsite { // create html website
  private $page; // page to view
  private $title; // page title
  private $heading; // page heading
  private $content; // page content
	private $navbar; // navigation bar
	private $mypages=array(); // set up data container
	function __construct($pages){ //
  public function setdata () { // set the local data based upon the page selected
    $this->page=isset($_GET["page"]) ? $_GET["page"] : 'home';
		$this->navbar=""; // start with empty navbar
		foreach ($this->mypages as $mypage) {
			$this->navbar.=$mypage['link'].' ';
			if ($mypage['name']==$this->page){
			if ($mypage['name']==$this->page){
			if ($mypage['name']==$this->page){
  public function showdata () { // show the website based upon the page selected
    echo "<!DOCTYPE html>\n";
    echo "<html>\n";
    echo "  <head>\n";
    echo "    <title>".$this->title."</title>\n";
    echo "  </head>\n";
    echo "  <body>\n";
    echo "  <h1>".$this->heading."</h1>\n";
    echo "  <p>".$this->navbar."</p>\n";
    echo "    <p>".$this->content."</p>\n";
    echo "  </body>\n";
    echo "</html>\n";